Threat Modeling Framework

Threat Modeling Framework

The Threat Modeling Framework describes activities & components needed to perform threat modeling in a structured and systematic manner, from external factors influencing a threat model to the core threats and security requirements.

It is an answer to problems with threat modeling: threat modeling is overly complex with too much jargon.

Threat Modeling Framework Overview

Image 1: Threat Modeling Framework overview.

Overview of the Threat Modeling Framework

The following paragraphs explains the overview sections of the framework.


The Threat Modeling Framework strives for:

  • A structured step-by-step approach
  • Ease of use within an enterprise environment
  • Align & integrate with existing architecture, development, and security processes that an enterprise environment already has
  • Usage within any stage of the development lifecycle

Inputs into the Framework

Regulatory requirements, security policies, threat intelligence, and threat actors are input into the threat modeling framework. These can vary depending on the industry, geography, and business.


The application (in the scope of threat modeling) will have external and internal exposure. This exposure should be identified.


The features and use cases of the application will impact threats (which can be identified via abuse cases).

Applications, Platforms & Infrastructure

The type of application, the underlying platform(s), and the infrastructure will impact the threats and security requirements.

Core High-Level & Detailed Threats and Security Requirements

The threats and security requirements are the main ingredient of the threat model, and thus the threat modeling framework.

Authors of the Threat Modeling Framework

Nick Kirtley and Tejvir Singh (founders of Aristiun) developed the Threat Modeling Framework.

Overview of Threats and Security Requirements

Identity & Access Management

Threats related to gaining unauthorized access to system(s) or data, or performing unauthorized actions.

ThreatSecurity Requirement
Unauthorized access is gained from a compromised passwordUse Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) when accessing all parts of the system
Unauthorized access is gained from compromised credentialsUse Single-Sign-On (SSO) where possible
Privileged access is gained through abusing complicated access rightsUse Role Based Access Control (RBAC), with a clear overview of roles, the rights per role, and the users assigned to roles
Users who should no longer have access gain unauthorized access to the system using existing rightsPerforming periodic access reviews for all users, administrators, and highly privileged users
Unauthorized (and privileged) access is gained by abusing NPAs or system accountsManage Non-Personal Accounts (NPAs), High-Privileged Accounts and Service Accounts effectively
Users abuse access rights that are not requiredUse of the least privilege principle, meaning that users only have access rights that are absolutely needed
Users abuse sensitive functions and access rightsUse of Segregation of Duties (SoD) for privileged or highly-sensitive actions & activities
Table 1: Identity & Access Management related threats and security requirements.


Threats related to insecure development processes and tooling.

ThreatSecurity Requirement
Abuse of vulnerabilities & weaknesses (originating from the code base)Use code scanning tooling for newly developed or committed code
Malicious code is added to the code base by an insiderUse of the four eyes principle for newly committed code
The system is abused via dependencies or librariesUsing trusted and secured dependencies, frameworks, and libraries only, and scanning them for known vulnerabilities
Vulnerabilities or weaknesses are abusedPerforming pentesting for newly developed applications or upon major changes
Table 2: Encryption related threats and security requirements.


Threats related to exploiting (configuration) weaknesses in system(s).

ThreatSecurity Requirement
Misconfigurations are abused for unauthorized access or disruptionHardening of (all) technical components of the system
Unnecessary services, pages, or ports are abusedRemoving unnecessary services that are provided by default, or enabled during development
Sensitive pages or services are accessed externallyReducing the exposure of services, web pages, administrator panels
Outdated software with vulnerabilities is abusedApplying security patches to technical components of the system
Exposed secrets or tokens are used for abuse or accessSecurely manage secrets, tokens, etc. in a vault or similar technology
Production data is lost in the development or testing phaseUse of DTAP (Development, Test, Acceptance, and Production)
Table 3: Hardening related threats and security requirements.

Network Security

Threats related to gaining unauthorized network access to (parts of) system(s) or data.

ThreatSecurity Requirement
Critical technical components are abused from external networksSegmenting internal parts of the solution (i.e., segmenting components at the network level)
Services and ports are maliciously accessed from external networksUsing a firewall between trusted and untrusted zones
Table 4: Network Security related threats and security requirements.

Security Logging, Monitoring & Response

Threats related to abuse that go undetected or not identified & remediated.

ThreatSecurity Requirement
Security events at the infrastructure level are not identifiedLogging of technical events occurring at the infrastructure level
Security events at application level are not identifiedLogging of important events occurring at the application level
Security events are not analyzed by security professionalsTriggering active monitoring of critical events at the infrastructure and application level
Security events are not resolved by security professionals or SOCResponse measures by the SOC or other security professionals in case of critical events
Table 5: Security Logging, Monitoring & Response related threats and security requirements.

Backup, Availability & Continuity

Threats related to disrupting the availability of system(s) or data.

ThreatSecurity Requirement
Data is lost in case of a cyber event or attackPerforming periodic backups of systems and data
Data is lost in case of a ransomware attackPerforming air-gapped backups of systems and data for use in a ransomware attack
Systems or data cannot be recovered in case of a cyber attackPerforming regular recovery tests using backup data
Processes cannot recover in case of a cyber attackPerforming regular business continuity sessions to recover from a (simulated) attack or outage
Systems are down due to loss of a single point of failureDevelop redundancy of systems and processes for systems with high availability requirements
Table 6: Backup, Availability & Continuity related threats & security requirements.

Secure Development

Threats related to insecure development processes and tooling.

ThreatSecurity Requirement
Abuse of vulnerabilities & weaknesses (originating from the code base)Use code scanning tooling for newly developed or committed code
Malicious code is added to the code base by an insiderUse of the four eyes principle for newly committed code
The system is abused via dependencies or librariesUsing trusted and secured dependencies, frameworks, and libraries only, and scanning them for known vulnerabilities
Vulnerabilities or weaknesses are abusedPerforming pentesting for newly developed applications or upon major changes
Table 7: Secure Development related threats and security requirements.

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